The End of June

After we recovered from the beach excursion, Kevin and I have been busy working on getting the house ready for our new arrival.  However, that doesn’t mean we haven’t found time to enjoy the New York summer.

A few weeks ago our friends Jesse, Jessa and their daughter Eily visited.

Jesse walking around Saratoga with Eily in his backpack.
Jesse walking around Saratoga with Eily in his backpack.

Saratoga Springs had a parade to celebrate Flag Day that we all enjoyed.  We also got to meet Rory, who is the daughter of our friends Jim and Natasha.

Kelsey and Kevin trying out Jim and Natasha's BOB stroller during the Flag Day parade in Saratoga.
Kelsey and Kevin trying out Jim and Natasha’s BOB stroller during the Flag Day parade in Saratoga.
A photo of Rory sleeping in her infant carrier.
A photo of Rory sleeping in her infant carrier.

The following weekend I got to enjoy a baby shower with our New York friends.  I was whisked off to enjoy my Mother’s Day gift – a pregnancy massage at The Spa Studio in Glens Falls – and Kevin prepped the house for a wonderful afternoon.

The Living Room- set up for the baby shower
The Living Room- set up for the baby shower

We enjoyed delicious food and great conversation.  Not the mention the awesome gifts they showered us with. You can see all the wonderful gifts I received in the NY Shower album.

That Sunday, Kevin and I decided to trek to Southern Vermont with the only real goal of scoping out a stroller I found.  Along the way we got distracted more than once and had several discussions about moving there permanently.  We started by stopping at a Farmer’s Market in Dorset, VT- Kevin enjoyed a chicken and cheese empanada, and I devoured a maple sugar lemonade.

The Dorset Farmer's Market
The Dorset Farmer’s Market

After the market we drove to Manchester where I had to take Kevin to my favorite coffee shop- The Spiral Press Cafe.  We enjoyed coffee, lunch and a long browse through the book store that is inside the coffee house.  We then ventured on down to Brattleboro, VT only to discover the store I wanted to go to was closed.  But all was not lost, we went to several more coffee shops, used book stores and a Record Store called Turn it Up!.  Before we left town we decided to grab some dinner, we found an awesome restaurant called the Riverview Cafe with roof top seating that overlooked the Connecticut River, the natural boundary between Vermont and New Hampshire. They source a lot of their food locally, including using King Arthur Flour for their pastas.

View of the Connecticut River from our table.
View of the Connecticut River from our table.

After gorging on delicious local food we started home, stopping twice.  Once at scenic pull-off where we hiked down to a water control dam and recreational lake, and once at the oldest quarry in the US.

Picture of Kevin and Kelsey at a rest point along a resevior hike.
Picture of Kevin and Kelsey at a rest point along a resevior hike.
Kelsey posing under a huge slab of marble from the quarry.
Kelsey posing under a huge slab of marble from the quarry.

After much reminiscing about our Sunday drives as youth we arrived home very happy with our Vermont excursion.

Later that week we got to work cleaning and organizing the house for our little girl or guy- now only five weeks til Due-Day we figured we should start continue to work on getting things organized. We continued this motivation with few interruptions, I’ll leave you with a few pictures of what we are calling “sanity breaks”.  Including a baseball game we attended last week, and a 4th of July Pool Party we enjoyed on Saturday.   I am also going to post what I think is an absolutely gorgeous photo we took on the way home the other night, the sun was at the perfect spot for Kevin to snap an amazing shot.

A photo of a baseball player hitting a ball.
A photo of a baseball player hitting a ball.
Kelsey enjoying cooling off on a pool float in the warm pool water.
Kelsey enjoying cooling off on a pool float in the warm pool water.
Kevin- being Kevin- with his tongue sticking out- in the pool.
Kevin- being Kevin- with his tongue sticking out- in the pool.
The fountain in the center of our park downtown, lit up by the setting sun.
The fountain in the center of our park downtown, lit up by the setting sun.

And of course what I know you’ve all been waiting for, the last two weeks of Baby Bump pictures.

Kelsey's Baby Bump at 35 weeks
Kelsey’s Baby Bump at 35 weeks
Kelsey's Baby bump at 36 weeks.
Kelsey’s Baby bump at 36 weeks.

We hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend and stay tuned for an interactive blog post in the next couple of days!