Final Bill

The food at Daddy’s Diner was not free!

Daddy’s Diner Menu

Kevin made a menu for us when Rayleigh requested dinner at a restaurant and we weren’t on board.

Dillon Coloring

Dillon coloring at the placemat made by Kevin for Daddy’s Diner.

Making Sauce

Dillon helps in the kitchen- this was 3 oils and the balsamic mixture… someday he’ll learn to take the caps off and we’ll be in trouble.

The Big One

Rayleigh caught the ‘big yellow one’.

Playing Catch

Rayleigh played catch with Dillon while Kelsey made dinner one night.

Movie Night

The Girls decided during dinner that it was going to be family movie night – we obliged.

Sick little girl

We rarely do movie/couch days- but a sick kiddo – fever around 105 called for a day of snuggles.

Rayleigh Singing

Singing along- she’s a little hesitant on the singing- but her moves for the music video are consistent.

Dillon Shopper

He is a walking just fine holding onto something- he was shopping for Lobsters this day!


A proud Dillon showing off his sippy cup skills.


Rayleigh and Dillon building a train track together- okay one may have been building one may have been “unbuilding” as Rayleigh would tell you.

Ant Placement

The placement of the “ants” for ‘ants on a log’ is very important business.

Problem Solving

Kelsey told Rayleigh she shouldn’t sit so far away from the bowl… this was the result – hold the bowl on her lap.