Deep Puddle

Eily in the middle of the relatively deep puddle – with a fist full of leaves for the boats.

Pure Joy

The look and feel of joy in this picture is what I strive for each day for all three kids (and myself).

Running Fast

Rayleigh running – leaf in hand through the puddle in the morning sun.


Rayleigh ran round circles in the puddle.

BIG Puddle

Eventually we found a puddle big enough for both girls. They had a blast!

Leaves in hand

We were walking to the Feeder Canal to make boats from leaves and twigs- the girls collected leaves for their boats along the way.


Too small to jump but still enjoying the show the girls put on for him.

Fall Jumping Fun

Rayleigh in the puddle, the girls very graciously took turns in the tiny puddle.

Master Crawler

Dillon worked out the kinks in his crawling at Matt & Colleen’s.

Shoulder Ride

Rayleigh found some really high pears- Matt gave her a boost.

Stems are fun

The pear stems provided more entertainment than peaches.


A little girl with both her pears.


Pears were also ripe that day, bonus!

Hay Ride?

Rayleigh found the hay ride wagon… we were only two months early.