Big One

A big buffalo near the side of the road.

Bison Crossing

They have the right of way. If you don’t respect their right to cross whenever they choose, they will flip your car over.

Black Bear

There’s a black bear in this picture. Can you see it?

Mountain Goats

Mountain goats, including some kids, running along the edge of the mountain.


The striations on the mountain were created by plate shifts and volcanic activity.

Money Shot

This is probably the best shot of the canyon we got.

1st Amendment

I love how there is a disclaimer sign so people don’t get upset with the park for these guys trying to protect the bison herds.

Rock Pile

Somehow I don’t think Nature did this.

Rushing Water

Some neat-looking rushing water amongst some rocks.

Black Bear

Black Bear on the side of the ridge – on the hunt for baby elk.


A picture of some coyotes we saw after seeing a grizzly in the valley.

Laundry Machine

All of the laundromats we tried to use were either closed for the season or closed at the times we wanted to use them, so Kelsey washed our clothes in the bathtub.

Nice Angle

A nice angle of the waterfall from a far-away observation platform.

Narrow Falls

A narrow waterfall feeding into the Yellowstone.

Cool Tree

This tree grew around a heart shaped rock.

Cool Rock

It looks a little like a face, if you use your imagination.