Kelsey Painting

Kelsey applying the first coat of Beckoning Sea VOC-free paint to the spare bedroom / office.

Hanging Baskets

Two of our three hanging baskets, containing purple petunias. We got them from a flower vendor at market.

Window Boxes

We planted our two window boxes with two different kinds of flowers, which look really nice next to the yellow walls. We composted the old soil from the boxes and added new potting soil.

Finished Garden

The finished square foot garden with plants added. We used string to visually separate the square feet. In most cases we planted one plant per square foot, such as the tomato plants along the back row on the left. In other areas we were able to plant more than one – such as the sixteen … Continued

Side Mulch

The mulch in the bed at the side of the house. The view for the neighbors has now improved!

Before Mulching

This is an example of what we were working with before mulching – overgrowth of weeds and grass.

Finished Mulching

The finished mulch at the front of the house. The plants at the back were transplanted from where we put the square foot garden.

Kelsey Raking

Kelsey raking out the mulch at the side of the house.

Laying Mulch

Kelsey and Kevin worked together to lay out and rake the mulch.

Mixing the Dirt

Kelsey mixing together our dirt. The dirt for a square foot garden is made of equal parts compost, vermiculite, and peat. The dirt is light and springy and holds water well.

Laying Cardboard

During the fall, Kevin dug up the overgrown shrubs and weeds in the planting beds at the front of the house. This spring, we got some red mulch to put down. In order to keep weeds from growing, we put down a double layer of cardboard before putting down the mulch.

Box Made

Kelsey posing in the box for our square foot garden. We put down a double layer of cardboard below the garden to prevent weed and grass growth from the soil below. The box itself was made out of non-treated 2x6es screwed together with three wood screws per joint.

Rolling Crust

Kelsey rolling pie crust for a strawberry rhubarb pie made from local organic rhubarb and strawberries that we picked up from market.

Cutting the Grass

Kevin cutting the grass with our reel mower. It had been a while since the grass was last cut, so it was kind of long.

Jess and Kevin

Jess and Kevin in front of a pond at the end of the hike.