
Jess in the raspberry patch.


Kevin and Jess also picked Raspberries, Yum Yum.

Our Take

Canned stewed tomatoes. Ready for eating or basement dwelling until a later date. Our first canning experience was a success- they all sealed!

Comfort Food

Kevin’s comfort food was Hot Cocoa made on the stove. Nice Right? Well we might not have unpacked mugs yet so… Pyrex mug it was! “It has a handle, it’ll be fine.” ~ Kelsey

Ta Da

Presenting to you canned stewed tomatoes. (This photo is so bright you’d never know it was 10:00pm!)


Kevin was so fascinated with the steam coming off the Pressure Canner that Kelsey graciously held up a black blanket to get a better picture. It was a lot of steam!

Filling Jars

Filling jars with stewed tomatoes. The arm is blurry but you can see the ring tattoo on the finger!

The Canner!

2nd layer of jars in the Pressure Canner!

Cooking Tomatoes

Using our big pot again- to cook stewed tomatoes! (Thanks Kevin, Julie and boys!)

Peppers & Onions

Lots of Peppers and Onions. I finally found a use for Kevin’s “bite-size” portions.

Kevin Canning

Look at all those pots in the background! Kevin’s getting ready for his first canning experience.

Clean Jars

Clean jars filled with hot water ready for canning.

It Barely Fit!

We barely made all of the corn fit in the freezer. If Jess would have taken one less container, it wouldn’t have all fit!

So Much!

We had so much corn. Jess took home nine of the small containers, but we still had a ton left.

Huge Operation

Kelsey stripping the corn. You can see the massive pile of containers we have amassed to this point.

Corn Stack

Kevin couldn’t have fit more corn on this tray if he tried.

The Special One

We had a few ‘special’ ears. We cooked them and stripped them anyway.

Top View

A bunch of corn containers being filled up.

Corn Containers

The corn was extra juicy – you can see the juice going about 2/3 of the way up the container.